31.03.2020 Luther Sets Up Energy Law Team in Munich
24.03.2020 Use of drones to secure supplies: Adapt Permissibility of Drone Deployment for Times of Crisis
20.02.2020 Luther advises ICB S.R.L. on the sale of A L O Immobilien GmbH
20.02.2020 Luther advises Fiege on participation in Hamburg start-up heyconnect
13.02.2020 Luther strengthens public procurement and state aid practice in Essen
10.02.2020 Luther advises Capnamic on its investment in a construction software startup
04.02.2020 Feasibility study: Drone taxis for hospitals - Flying helper for hospital logistics
03.02.2020 Luther advises insolvent Klinikum Burgenlandkreis on takeover by SRH Kliniken
30.01.2020 Luther advises StudySmarter on cooperation